Food-Instagrams rejoice - there's a new viral food trend, and it's possibly the most insane yet. We've already seen the rainbow donut, the rainbow bagel, and even the rainbow grilled cheese - and now there's a new concoction ready to join the rainbow ranks.

Earlier this week The Cinnamon Snail announced via Instagram that they would be releasing a new addition to their menu: the Sparkle Dazzle Rainbow Doughnut. 

What exactly makes up a Sparkle Dazzle Rainbow Doughnut? Well, it starts off with a maple raspberry stuffed donut, topped with minature donuts, which are topped with even tinier miniature donuts!

In the same Instagram post The Cinnamon Snail credited the magic behind these inception donuts to "a gaggle of wild unicorns" and their "magical unicorn dust".

And did we mention that these beauties are 100% vegan? 

That's right, these magical creations are suitable to be consumed by all New York vegans, vegetarians, carnivores, and everyone in between.

If you feel like you're ready to tackle one of these badboys, head to the Cinnamon Snail location inside of The Pennsy food court on 33rd and 7th Avenue - but make sure you get there early.

Like with all food trends, there are sure to be mile-long lines of New Yorkers trying to get a taste of these magical doughnuts.





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[via First We Feast] 

[Feature Image Courtesy Instagram]