Can't Make It Out to the Super Bowl Halftime Show? Good News: Coldplay's Coming to MetLife Stadium This Summer

Down and out about not being able to afford tickets to the Super Bowl this Sunday? Yeah, us too. We want to see Cam Newton dab his way through the defense. We want to see Kuechly pick Peyton off and take it all the way to the house.

Sure, maybe it's a better game than that. Maybe Peyton doesn't choke like he did against Seattle two years ago. Who knows? 

That year, you'll of course remember we had Bruno Mars to get us through the pain. This year? Good game or bad, Coldplay's going to carry us through the half. 

But good news, New Yorkers! You don't have to book it to California for Coldplay! They're coming to MetLife Stadium July 16th!

So, get ready to sing songs you already know every word to. Get ready to throw down for a crazy, bumpin' time. MetLife is just a quick ride away. 

They've been the soundtrack to almost every summer for over a decade, and now's your chance to get out and see them at MetLife Stadium.

We know, we know, we know. Watching the Super Bowl halftime show at a crowded, noisy bar full of people who still hate Coldplay's Chris Martin for Gwyneth Paltrow, naming a child apple, and, well, no real reason at all, is really, incredibly hard.  

So don't sweat it. Get tickets for July 16th. 


Of course, the worst thing that could possibly happen is waiting a second too long right before everybody floods the marketplace. Tickets go on sale Friday at 10 a.m., and they're likely to go fast. 

So, don't even wait until then. Get your tickets right this second. No FOMO. Get tickets for Coldplay at MetLife Stadium right here

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[Feature Image Courtesy DailyMail] 

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