The Great Avocado Panic of '17 will live in infamy, that much we know.

And let's not forget the Avocado Drought of 2016

But there's a new bar in Brooklyn making it rain avocados, and they all seem to be landing on toast, in salads, and in smoothies, all of them universally delicious.

And it's all possible thanks to founder Francesco Brachetti and his two friends. 

They developed an obsession with avocados after growing up without them in Italy. An avocado-less life? *GASP.* What did they do at brunch?

Now, thanks to their love of this super-food, years in the making, they bring you: Avocaderia.

If you know another "World's First" avocado bar, keep it under wraps, because this here's the real deal. 


We're talking alligator pear-topped bread, mashed avocados in drinks and guac, and of course, avocado toast–the brunch time staple that's always worth overpaying for. Wait, what? We mean, YUM. 

If that hasn't got your gourd yet, you might want to get checked, because it sounds like there's only one medicine for the doctor left to prescribe: more avocados.


But don't take our word far it! Go to Industry City Food Hall at 254 36th Street in Brooklyn, and check out the fair-trade world that is Avocaderia. That'll fix you right up.

[via Gothamist] [Feature Image Courtesy Instagram] 

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