Listen Up: 7 Podcasts You Absolutely Need to Download for Your Next Commute

Face it: your commute isn't getting any shorter and - what's that we hear? Is that... the L train shuttering its doors come 2017?!

You need something on those earbuds that rocks, and it's time to give Hamilton a break. The Schuyler sisters will still be there when you get back, I promise. Even Peggy. Especially Peggy.

If you haven't hopped on the podcast bandwagon yet...WHAA?? But not to worry! There are so many options! 

Here are 7 great podcasts to spice up those long commutes, ho-hum work days, or a relaxing evening at home! Podcast & Chill, anyone?

1. Lore

Host Aaron Mahnke researches real-life scary stories from throughout history that will leave listeners reaching for the night light. 

Fans of Serial, The X-Files, and all things Stephen King will devour episodes such as Episode 37: "Passing Notes", in which a family is visited by an otherworldly entity or Episode 9: "The Devil on the Roof", which delves deep into sightings of The Jersey Devil.


Some great new for fans of this podcast: Lore is being adapted into a TV show by producers ofThe Walking Dead! You can listen to Lore here or find it on iTunes! New eps out every two weeks, on Mondays.

2. How Did This Get Made?

Sometimes a movie is so bad it's good. Sometimes it's just plain bad. 

And sometimes it's Twilight Breaking Dawn: Part 2 and there is no rhyme or reason why you, an adult woman should be going to see it but damn it, you want to see how this whole human-vampire baby thing is gonna play out! You're emotionally invested!

On How Did This Get Made? Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael, and Jason Mantzoukas watch an awesomely-bad movie and dissect it for your pleasure. Special guests on the show have included Retta, Adam Scott, Nick Kroll and many more. 

The show is always hilarious and often eye-opening...for example: did you know the intended casting for Face/Off was Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone? There's no bad way to start this podcast, but you can't go wrong with all 3 Sharknado episodes. You can find HDTGM on Earwolf and Spotify.

3. Savage Lovecast


Got a burning question about your sex life? Okay, so that sounded weird...but Dan Savage isn't here to judge! On Savage Lovecast, Dan Savage doles out advice on his weekly call-in podcast conquering everything from relationship queries to helpful tips that can improve your sex life! 

And Savage Lovecast does more than answer your sex questions, it's helping to change the conversation on monogamy and LGBTQ rights.


Call in and ask Dan anything. Seriously, anything. Oh, and do yourself a favor and Google "Santorum". You can thank Dan Savage for that. Listen to new episodes of Savage Lovecast every Tuesday here or on Spotify.

4. With Special Guest Lauren Lapkus

Improv dweebs rejoice! Lauren Lapkus has been a favorite guest on the comedy podcast circuit for a while now (is that a thing?) so it's about dang time she had her own show! 

OnWith Special Guest, Lapkus hands hosting duties off to a fellow funny friend each episode which offers her the opportunity to play a different character. This makes for a completely new listening experience each time you tune in.

Can't miss episodes include live episodes with Lapkus's improv team Wild Horses and any time Paul F. Tompkins drops in to play Santa Claus. Listen to With Special Guest Lauren Lapkus on Earwolf & Spotify.


5. Gilmore Guys


Kevin T. Porter and Demi Adejuyigbe are just a couple of guys who love Gilmore Girls, okay? This podcast is best listened to with strong cup of coffee and a few Pop-Tarts but hey, to each his own! 

With a new season of Gilmore Girls coming soon (thanks Netflix!), what better way to visit all your old friends from Stars Hollow than by listening to Gilmore Guys after binging through Seasons 1-6? Oh who are we kidding, you're still going to watch Season 7.


Live episodes are a special treat - or "Stars Hollow Town Meetings" as any true GG fan knows. You can listen to Gilmore Guys on Soundcloud!

6. The Soul Glo Project


Hosts Keisha Zollar, Anna Suzuki, and Emily Schorr Lesnick strive to celebrate diversity in comedy through inclusion because, as founder Keisha Zollar describes, "there is an entertainment desert, not just for the comedians who want to be represented, but for the audiences who want to see those comedians." 

And with guests comedians whose credits range from Orange Is the New Black to Last Week Tonight With John Oliver, one has to ask...why aren't we seeing more of these performers??

Thankfully the ladies of The Soul Glo Project are passionate about highlighting people who are under represented in the entertainment industry and are making it their mission to create a space for artists who "don't generally get these opportunities."

Hopefully, more in the entertainment industry will take note and adopt the uplifting, doors open, #nohaters policy that Soul Glo does so well.

Fingers crossed that The Soul Glo Project will soon land one of their dream guests on the show! Tituss Burgess, Margaret Cho, Janeane Garofalo...isn't it time you let your Soul Glo? Download The Soul Glo Project for free on iTunes!

7. Sleep With Me

This one't ain't for the commute, kiddos! On Sleep With Me, host and creator Drew Ackerman aims to lull you off to dreamland. Each episode, Ackerman blends bedtime stories with soothing music to take your mind off of that to-do list.

Some hi-lights this season include every episode of Game of Drones: which are basically spaced out Game of Thrones recaps, that will put you to sleep faster than Cersei can put away a glass of wine.


Pro-tip: don't listen to this if podcast if your ONE JOB today was to stay awake because your roommate locked herself out.

Download Sleep With Me free on iTunes, Soundcloud, & Spotify!

Check out NYC Spots That Make the Most Sense for Catching Pokemon.

[Feature Image Courtesy Tech Insider] 

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