Queue it Up! 5 Quick Reasons Why AdFirm Is the Must-Stream All-Too-Real Show

We're betting you know someone who works in a startup, and we're betting they've got some stories - but none will quite compare to the plot of AdFirm, the new comedy series written and directed by Jeremy Morris-Burke.

AdFirm reminds us of all that crazy sh*t we are willing to go through in pursuit of the dream job.

When you're trying to make it in your chosen field, you'll do just about anything. In AdFirm, Chasey, (Allegra Edwards) goes above and beyond at the failing startup she's been recently hired at. 

And who hasn't been there? 

Read on to see if you feel Chasey's pain! Although based on the twist that comes Chasey's way, I sorta hope you don't...

Then again, people talk about fiction and TV as escapism, yet we're just as drawn to shows that are as painful as our waking life in the workplace. 

AdFirm, while taking us out of our daily grind, is similarly eery in terms of the people we know and love and hate and sometimes have stress dreams about and maybe kinda sorta deep down in a really dark place want to murder. 


1. You try to make nice with everyone at work, and it doesn't always work out.


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We just want to be besties with everybody we ever meet. But, like the dogs we try and pet without permission on our way to work, we're frequently met with sideye and scowls. FML. 


We need more dogs in our lives. We also need more friends. And more friends with dogs isn't asking too much, right?

2. You don't know who to hang with on your first day. Sucks being the new kid!


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TBT to those lonely lunches in the lobby. Just like high school only (slightly) less sexually confusing.

3. One of your co-workers might actually be evil.


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Everybody suspects that b*tch Carol is evil from the sinister sh*t that she heats up in the microwave. Lil' Kev in "social media" is definitely subtweeting your entire life story. 


We suspect these people in our lives are evil, but AdFirm does a good job of taking that paranoia up a notch. 

4. Your boss is in way over his head.


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A harsh reality that kind of makes that whole "escapism" thing not really a thing. 

5. You have no idea who this person is, but you have so many questions.


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So mysterious, and so dreamy. WHO ARE YOU?!

[Feature Image Courtesy adfirmtheseries.com] 

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