13 Things You Must Do Before Spring Arrives in New York City

Spring, the beautiful season that pervades New York City in the months after dangerously icy subway stairs and before incessant hot garbage smell, is nigh.

How can we prepare for the impending season of rain boots, high school students on spring break, and leaving the office before the sun has set?

Before you start planning a picnic in Central Park and dreaming of the ideal #springfling you'll meet on Bumble, make sure you've checked everything off of this list.

What seems like an easy seasonal transition can be harder than you think for New Yorkers who feel like they've spent the last few months living inside their blanket scarves (although with the exception of that crazy snow storm last month, this winter was pretty mild tbh).

Don't dump out that hot cocoa just yet— you'll need that warmth to power through the last couple weeks of winter before Lady Spring arrives.

1. Update your spring wardrobe with new clothes 


Who says spring clothes have to be pastel? Black is appropriate for all seasons.

2. Find a guy to help you put your A/C unit back in your window 


Do you really want to risk the lives of all the pedestrians on the street below by doing it yourself?

3. Start hanging out with people who have summer houses in the Hamptons 


Taking "thanks for having me!" bottles of rosé and shacking up in an overcrowded share house is easier than finding (and paying for) your own.

4. Sign up for free gym trial memberships to lose your winter weight


If you schedule it right, you can get like a full month free by trying out various gyms across the city.

5. Stay in to continue binge watching Netflix instead


Every time you finish a show, you find a new one to start. You'll spend more time outside during the summer, you swear.

6. Research the best rooftop bars in the city


You have to check them out before it's really nice out and decide which ones have a view/happy hour special/small plates menu that are worth the inevitable overcrowding come summertime.

7. Swap your flannel bed sheets with cotton ones


What's cozy in the winter turns sweaty in the spring.

8. Figure out who has a dog that you can walk


And pray it doesn’t poop anywhere embarrassing.

9. Remember how you forgot to go ice skating this winter and mentally add it to your bucket list 


You'll probably forget again next year too.

10. Start comparing summer festival lineups to decide which one to start saving up for


What are the odds one day of Gov Ball gets rained out two years in a row?

11. Pack away your winter coats too early and then unpack them again for a few more surprisingly frigid days


March comes in like a lion, pretends to be a lamb for awhile, lets out another loud roar, and then finally baa baas into April.

12. Finally take down the twinkly holiday lights you strung above the couch to make your apartment look ~*festive*~


It's actually surprising the packing tape you used stuck to the wall this long.

13. Give up on your New Year’s Resolution in favor of an ambiguous—and therefore infallible—“spring forward” mentality instead


The problem with setting specific goals is that it's easy to fail them. Stick with adopting an ambiguous general attitude and you're golden! 

[Feature Image Courtesy unroll.me] 

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