Bring on the Riff-Raff! You Can Get 25¢ Luxury Seats at Yankees Games This Week?!

You may remember the disdain we have for the New York Yankees when it comes to bogus sh*t their COO tends to spew about the class of people buying tickets at a resale value rather than those who pay full price. 

If you don't remember, what Lonn Trust said was along the lines of those buying premium seats at a discounted price may not be the same kind (read: class) of people as those who typically enjoy them. 

Basically, people who can't afford the face value of premium seats, such as the ones behind home plate known as the Legends Club, shouldn't be able to buy them for less than their worth from anywhere else. Does that sound sh*tty? Yeah, we thought so too, but we're not alone. 

John Oliver took it upon himself Sunday night to address the elitist logic (if you can call it that) in a segment on his HBO show, Last Week Tonight. 

The solution he proposed?

Rather than stifle the potential mingling of riff-raff with hoity-toity, he encouraged it with an open contest. 

For 25¢ a piece, Oliver is offering exclusive Legends Club seats for fans that simply tweet a picture of themselves with the hashtag: #IHaveNeverSatInaPremiumLocation. 

Simple, right? Harmless, even? Well, the catch here is that these photos show off the most wild, classless, ratchet, awful, riff-raff outfits imaginable, outfits that would be worn at the game. In premium locations. At a mind-blowingly low price. 

The results have been... amazing. Check out John Oliver's segment right here, then check out some of the tweets people have sent out already. 

Then, after all of that, go on and tweet out your own ridiculous riff-raff @LastWeekTonight with the hashtag: #IHaveNeverSatInAPremiumLocation (as well as the date of one of the Yankees' home games this week). 


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[via NBC Miami] [Feature Image Courtesy ESPN] 
