We love our landmarks, and thankfully, there are places like the Historic Districts Council to keep us in the loop about all of NYC's historic architecture. 

Gothamist reports that there's a new way to show your love for all the history we have here. 

The Historic Districts Council is running a contest until September 6th called #PreservationPays Challenge, and the super-easy process could win you a trip to the top of the Woolworth Building.

Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to snap some pics of seven historic pieces of NYC architecture, and upload the photos to Insta or them Twitters. 

Tag the Historic Districts Council (@hdnyc on Insta and @hdc_nyc on Twitter) and use the hashtag #PreservationPays (obviously). 

When you emerge victorious from this random drawing, you'll be allowed to invite one guest. Just choose carefully, maybe even invite the person who told you about this.

Here are the buildings you'll need to snap. Good luck out there!

1. Washington Square Arch



2. Carnegie Hall


3. Chavela's 


4. The Battery Maritime Building

5. 33-52 81st Street


6. The Alhambra Apartments



7. The Woolworth Building/Woolworth Tower Residences



[via Gothamist] [Feature Image Courtesy Instagram] 
