Smooth sailing, smooth jazz and smooth wine. What more can you ask for?

The summer is in full swing and you should be planning it perfectly. You've got to check out these incredible works of art, taste these magical margaritas, and wake up to a Beetles themed dance party on a yacht!

If you love drinking and music on a boat as much as we do, then you're gonna love this upcoming summer series.

Circle Live NYC, which is part of Circle Line Sightseeing, has unveiled its new monthly themed cruises called Wine & Jazz on the River.

It's exactly what you think, New York City. There is gonna be wine and there is gonna be jazz, and you'll be able to enjoy them both while on a boat.

The first cruise is happening on July 21st so you're gonna wanna act fast because these tickets are sure to go fast. 


Saxophonist Elan Trotman will be accompanying you with his thrilling sounds as you drink with the iconic NYC skyline as your backdrop.

Can't make it to the first one? Well, you're in luck, because are two more planned cruises with some great jazz performers. The next event is on August 25th with Jeff Kashiwa, and the last cruise is on September 22nd with Matt Marshak.


So, don't miss out some great live music with some great wine. Find out more here.

Check out This Amazing Beatles-Themed Morning Dance Party on a Yacht!

[via Circle Live NYC] [Feature Image Courtesy Instagram] 

