The Sweetest Sunday Funday EVER: Everything You Missed from NYC's First-Ever Dessert Festival

Didn’t snag those coveted tickets to the first ever Dessert Festival in Brooklyn this weekend? Tix sold out within minutes, so you’re not alone. 

Well, we can’t help ya there, but we do have scrumptious pics and delicious tidbits about the sweet, sweet event that went down Sunday at the Dobbin Street event space in Williamsburg. 

Oh, and our two cents about the star treats that are worth seeking out on your own sugar high endeavor.

We were happy to sacrifice our hips and report back, naturally. Somebody had to do it. The winter is upon us and we must prepare for hibernation so, we’re just being smart. 

At least, that's what we'll keep telling ourselves. Twenty plus vendors with confectionary genius, top notch tunes like Kelis’ Milkshake as the soundtrack to your binge, and a sparkly photo booth? Yes, please. 

Dessert Goals, you brought new meaning to ‘Sunday Funday’ and we thank you. 

Alas, get the drool buckets ready... here’s 12 eye-candy level highlights of New York City’s pioneer Dessert fest.


1. Witty taglines riddled the space; our fav. They had us at “Treat yo self.” Well, don’t mind if we do.


by Lauren Breedlove

2. It was a ‘sweet-tooth-Instagram-lover’s’ paradise. And much like being at a kid’s birthday party- without the kids, complete with candy bracelets upon arrival. 


by Lauren Breedlove

3. A fun activity checklist because dessert challenge accepted. 


by Lauren Breedlove

4.  #omgdessertgoals  A fun, and practical hashtag. We couldn't agree more.


by Lauren Breedlove

5. Ice cream is an acceptable breakfast, right? This deviously brilliant cone was quite possibly the most photogenic item. And it tasted amaze too. Win-win!


by Lauren Breedlove

6. Instagram garden―where you can make your followers grow (see what we did there?). A whole little outdoor space dedicated to just that- taking the perf pic to break the internet. Fun backgrounds, the photo-booth, and dessert arrangements styled with your social media audience in mind.


by Lauren Breedlove

7. Mini cupcakes. Artisanal twinkies. Cookie dough bites. Oh, my. Adorbz city! Fish shaped soft serve cones? STAHP IT (but don't really).


by Lauren Breedlove

8. Donuts. The doughnut plant was a shining star in our book- apple cinnamon mini-doughnut was like a cider doughnut on crack with the glaze catapulting it to a new level, one we’d like to revisit again, and again, and AGAIN.


by Lauren Breedlove

9. An entire Oreo found in our cup of Baonanas oreo pudding? PURE TREASURE.


by Lauren Breedlove

10. Cute AF rooftop space boasting views, inflatable desserts, and even more opportunities for fabulous photos.


by Lauren Breedlove

11. This flaky wheel? Still no clue what it was (except delectable) but the mystery made it taste better we think.


by Lauren Breedlove

12. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we need to go make a dentist appointment.


by Lauren Breedlove

[Feature Image Courtesy Lauren Breedlove | spoiled Media] 

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