You Can Do It... Right? 8 Ways to Survive the Cold in NYC When You're Single

We know it seems like there are endless bright sides to being in relationships during cold weather: you'll always have someone to brave the elements with, always have someone to cuddle with, you won't feel as lonely staying indoors watching Netflix, and, well, sex.

However, being in a relationship is far from the only way to be happy in NYC this winter.

This winter, go to a bar by yourself. Register for that class you've been wanting to take. See a play by yourself, or with a friend you love.

Most of all, focus your love and attention on yourself, and the people in your life that deserve it. 

No good will come from tormenting yourself over being single. Remember that being single means freedom, and freedom means experiencing everything this city has to offer. Read on for tips on how to thrive if you're single in NYC this winter.

1. Do things

feelmyvybe And none for Gretchen Wieners...

If you're single and you want to meet someone, there's no better place to meet a potential beau than at an activity you both love.

If you're single and you have no interest in meeting anyone, getting out of your apartment and doing activities will help you thwart the swirling black pit of seasonal depression. 

Make a list of things you love doing and a list of things you do every day. Then, adjust accordingly.


There are a ton of excellent events happening in NYC in January, plenty of indoor activities, and endless opportunities to meet people who love doing the same things as you in NYC.

If you love writing stories, take a class at Gotham Writers Workshop. If you absolutely love cooking, why not sign up for a cooking class at Home Cooking New York? If you love playing sports, sign up for ZogSports intramural sports leagues.

Having a place you're expected to be every week will help a lot. You'll feel purposeful and needed. 

2. Go out alone

girlwithnojob Hint hint @boywithnojob

Oscar Wilde said, "To love yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance." We'll say it's time to stop tormenting yourself about finding a relationship. There's nothing more empowering than being able to take yourself out for a nice date on the town. 

First of all, going out to eat alone isn't weird here. Second of all, if you always wait until one of your friends can come with you to check out all of NYC's restaurants, you're going to miss out on a lot of great food.

Go ahead. Go see that movie by yourself. Head to the bar on your block and grab a beer on your way home from work, whether your roommate can meet you or not. Maybe you'll even meet a new friend.

Whatever you do, don't confine yourself to only going out in the company of others this winter. You don't have to be in a relationship to always go wherever you want.

3. Stay in bed

reikybean 5 minutes in and our new bed is taken over by goldens #4leggedchildren #dogsofinstagram #goldenpile #bigsister #chloebear #nicorosberg #mylilfamily #newmattress #caspermattress

People in relationships never sleep. We're kidding. That's an urban myth. 

Seriously, though, there isn't anywhere in the whole city that looks more tempting than your bed when the cold starts to get real. This is especially true if you're the owner of a perfectly-constructed Casper mattress.

It's definitely crucial to your sanity to go out and do things this winter, but it's also important to pump the brakes and take time for yourself when you need it for the same reason.


Since we spend a third of our lives on our mattresses, you might as well splurge on the comfiest one in the universe, right? 

Take it from us. There's nothing more empowering than abandoning half-made plans and spending your Friday night in bed every once in a while. You'll wake up feeling refreshed and ready to get back at it on Saturday.

4. See shows

hannestovring Clearly one of the best koncert experiences of SXSW 2015.... #momentsofAustin #momentsofTexas #moments #mew #musicallday #undertheradarfestival #sxsw #bestkoncert #southbysouthwest @mewofficial @jonasbjerreofficial @scapion

We live in a city with the hottest culture in the country. We don't care who tells you different. Don't believe them. 

There's the Under the Radar Festival, tracking new theater from around the world, from January 6th through the 17th. 

Broadway week's two-for-one ticket deal will take place this winter from January 19th through February 5th, so you can feel guilt-free about treating yourself to that show you've been wanting to see. 

Go check out free concerts at Pete's Candy Store or Rockwood Music Hall. Nothing can make you feel like a total all-star than a really hot show, and NYC is full of them. Check them out this season. 


5. Get exercise

btwnbreakfast Ride with me on the journey to more success. #soulcyclenyc #djkhaled #soulcycle

We know getting exercise can be lame. We also know it's just about the most cliché suggestion in the world given that it was just the New Year, and "get more exercise" is undeniably the most popular New Year's resolution out there.

Still, clichés exist for a reason, and exercising is the most surefire way to promote happiness we can think of. We're not exaggerating. When you exercise, endorphins are released in your brain, and endorphins make you happy. See? Science.

Studies have shown that active people are happier than inactive people. We also know that it's much easier to maintain a habit than it is to force yourself to exercise from willpower. Yes, you'll need willpower to form habits. It usually takes about 21 days for a habit to feel automatic.


Join a gym. NYC's recreation centers cost $150 for annual membership. You could also check out exercise classes at Soul Cycle or Yoga to the People

If this sounds like the worst idea you could think of, don't get too down on yourself. We already walk more than anyone else in the country. 

6. Hit the town

girlwithnojob Thanks god for BWNJ 👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼 (@selfiesofmysoul)

Okay, we know we told you to stay in bed every once in a while, but we don't want you to always do that. 

It's tempting to always say no when your friends ask whether you want to go out in the winter. Your couch, your pajamas, and your TV start to look really attractive when it's freezing and dark outside.

If you always do the same things you've always done, though, you'll always have the same results you've always had. Again, you should stay in every once in a while. When your friends ask you if you want to go out, we're challenging you to say yes every so often this winter. 

Suggest going to one of NYC's bars with fireplaces, or heated rooftop bars, to make the whole "It's Freezing Outside" thing more bearable. We bet you'll have fun, and you might even meet a new cuddle buddy. Who knows?

7. Lay off social media

viperwestend #Facebook #wastingpeopleslivessince2004 #wasting #people #2004 #facebookstalking #snooping #procastination #boring #timewasting #viper #viperwestend #glasgow #l4l #like4like #likeforlike #instapic #picoftheday #follow #filter #fun #funny #joke #quote #lol

A recent study from the University of Michigan argues Facebook increases sadness and loneliness. Obviously.

This winter, make an effort to remember that no one is happy as Facebook makes them seem. Everyone looks that happy when you're comparing your behind-the-scenes to their highlight reel. 


Stop stalking your ex. Stop looking at all the pictures from the party you skipped. None of this is making you any happier. 

You can Tinder swipe if it helps, but if it starts to feel like Tinder is hurting you, get rid of it. Seriously. 

8. Focus on yourself

bumble Find someone who makes you feel thoughtful, intelligent, euphoric, creative, light headed, paranoid, and red in the eyes. #NoWait #ThatsNotRight

All these tips have been building to the same end: focus on yourself. Exercising, doing what you love, and hitting the town with your pals or alone, these are all ways to be kind to yourself this winter.

It's also important to remember that the grass is often greener on the other side. Being in a relationship is not the key to happiness. There are plenty of people in relationships who wish they were single.

It's also true that you can't be happy in a relationship until you're happy on your own. Do what makes you happy. If it hurts you to gossip about your friend, don't do it. If it hurts you to black out every Saturday night, then stop doing it.

Self-love is not the same as indulging your desires. Cleaning your room is self love. Succumbing to a messy apartment is not. All winter long, you'll face the choice between laziness and self love constantly. See what happens to your life if you start choosing self love. 

Check out 11 Hilarious Subway Pics That Prove New Yorkers Don't Get Enough Sleep.

[Feature Image Courtesy PopSugar] 

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