You like hooking up, right? We do too. Plus, with Valentine's Day coming up, hooking up is even fresher on our minds than every before.
For some reason, dating is hard even though we live in New York City, this super giant city with millions of people. That's because so many people here are much more focused on their career than on dating.
Which means, what exactly? Well to us, it means you have to be very good at getting laid to make it go down on the weekends.
Luckily for you, we've got all the tips on how to make the magic happen, on how to make sparks fly, on how to get down.
Were you wondering how to get laid this weekend in NYC? We've got the scoop. Read on to find out how.
1. Go to a bar
More specifically, go to a bar in your neighborhood. There's a reason Seamless and every other delivery app in the universe has had such success in NYC. We love convenience, and we're not afraid to admit it.
If you're looking to get laid, go out in your borough. If you live in Brooklyn, hit the most fun bar in Brooklyn. If you live in Harlem, do the same.
West Village girls like to hook up with West Village guys, and Upper West Side girls want to hook up with Upper West Side guys.
New Yorkers don't like hour subway rides, and we definitely don't want to cross any rivers. Act accordingly.
2. Dating apps
Of course, in today's technological age, you don't really actually need any of these tips to get laid.
There's always Tinder, and there's always Hinge, but let's think a little bit outside the box on this one. Have you tried Cheekd?
Well, Cheekd is better than all the other dating apps, because it eliminates the concept of missed connections. With Cheekd, you'll always know which people in the bar are trying to get laid, and whether they meet your dating criteria.
So you'll never have to wonder if there's a perfectly datable person right in front of you. With Cheekd, you'll know. Download the Cheekd app here.
3. Approach with confidence, but not desperation

lozzryann Harry has #nochill π #valentines #confidence #harrypotter #lad #onenightstand #fffgroup #muo #lmfao #toogood #ecards
Desperation is not attractive, okay? We want someone who knows what they want, but doesn't have to beg us for it.
Also, you shouldn't lead with something sexual. If you're a guy, for the most part, girls won't want to dance with you before they've had a conversation. If you're a girl, don't lead with calling a guy cute. Lead with something funnier, like a sarcastically phrased insult.
If you're a relaxed, fun person, you're much more likely to get laid than the person who leads with the "you're attractive," or "want to dance," or worse, some really inappropriate groping. No one wants their first interaction with you to be nonconsensual groping.
4. Dress to impress

lahorestylearena Ahmed #lahorestylearena #fashionable #fashionista #dressedup #classyman #instagood #designerwear #tagsforlikes #likes4likes #likesforlikes #likeforlike #like4like #follow4follow #lahore #dressing #pakistanifashion #dresstoimpress #f4f #dressing #shoutouts #so #pakistan #shoutout #so
We're not saying you have to wear a belly shirt and a mini skirt, nor should you don a tuxedo and bow tie. We are saying that people in NYC know how to look good, and if you show up the bar in sweatpants and sneakers, it's probably not going to go well for you.
If you're a girl, a guy will be more likely to approach if you've put effort into your appearance. That's not sexism, that's just true.
The same applies to guys. The "just rolled out of bed" look is so 1993.
Wear an outfit you feel good in, and flaunt it with confidence. Confidence is the most attractive trait there is. The second most attractive trait? A killer outfit.
5. Take shots together

modestjrod44 Whiskey starter kit coming along. Really excited to try this reserve. #takingshots #letsrage #nonotreally #stayclassy #johnnywalker #goldlabel
The only reason anyone would ever take a shot is because they want to hook up with someone.
Okay, that's not true, that was an exaggeration, but we're pretty sure 80% of the reason people take shots is because they want to hook up.
Buying too many drinks for someone makes you look desperate, but buying one shot is cool. Clinking shot glasses is even cooler, and nothing can loosen up someone's inhibition like a little whiskey or tequila.
Hopefully, if you buy someone a shot, they'll reciprocate. If they buy you a shot back, you know you're in. Okay, so not exactly. But you know that you have a better chance than before they bought you the next round.
,6. Be the one having a blast

oonums Last time I saw @reelbigfish I was 15. Last night at #brooklynbowl I felt 15 again, except this time I replaced teen angst with alcohol. (S/o to the Steve Holt in the corner and @mariarjh whose caption I plagiarized) ππ€πΌπ» #reelbigfish
This may seem obvious, but standing in the corner sulking is not going to prompt anyone to approach you.
So if you're talking, chatting, laughing, and chilling with your pals, you are so much more approachable than if you're the creeper peering over people's shoulders, or worse, busy scowling and upset that no one's talking to you.
If you're at a fun, dancing bar, then you should be the person jumping up and down and screaming songs. There's no quicker bonding tool than screaming a song with someone.
If it isn't a dancing bar, then you definitely shouldn't be dancing, but you should definitely focus on your own good time and the rest will follow. That sounds very zen, but it's true.
7. Be inviting
Obviously, if you're closed off to new people joining your friends in your evening, you'll be less likely to meet someone new to take home.
It doesn't matter if the first person that approaches isn't someone you want to hang out with. Be nice to that person anyway, at least until they've proven they don't deserve it.
If you're welcoming, that person might bring their friends over. The good news? That person might just have a friend you are interested in hooking up with.
So, yeah, in terms of getting laid, being open to talking to new people really helps.
8. Play games
We don't mean mind games. We mean bar games, like pool and darts. Bars with games are a great help to the good fight to get laid.
Go with us on this one, will you? If you're playing darts and you invite some good looking members of the opposite, or same, gender to play with you, you'll bond with them pretty quickly.
First of all, because competition is hot, and second of all, because if the person is on your team, you'll be working towards victory together. Everyone knows working toward victory is the first step to getting someone to hook up with you.
9. Stay out late

jordannafelice #williamsburghallofmusic #brooklyn #rxbandits #rxb #love #music #musicworship #best #peace #love @rxbanditsofficial
Here's a pro-tip. If the person you have your eye on is still at the bar at 4 a.m., it's because they're trying to get it in.
We never sleep in this city, but things tend to get kind of like the wilderness in NYC bars once the clock ticks past 3 a.m. No New Yorker would subject his or herself to that chaos without a very clear motive, okay?
Trying to get laid at 12 a.m. is very different than trying to get laid at 4 a.m. At 12 a.m., a lot of people are out, and most people want to keep their nights going.
You'll see, though, as more and more people leave the bar, the people that do stay at the bar are the ones that want to hook up. Try for yourself and see.
Check out 8 Worst Pick-Up Lines Men Feed Women in NYC Bars.
[Feature Image Courtesy PuckerMob]