Coming to NYC: Spectacular Van Gogh Sensory Experience 🖼👨‍🎨

Van Gogh as an artist has mesmerized audiences for decades. We continue to love to dig deep and find new ways to experience the iconic artist. So it's no wonder that an immersive experience of Van Gogh art is making waves and drawing attention.

After its 2018 debut in Naples, Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience has successfully toured its way around a dozen cities from Europe to Asia. Bustling locations such as Tel Aviv, Milan, Beijing, Barcelona, and Brussels have delighted regular visitors, leading to the exhibition's extension.

via @vangogh.experience

The decision to provide the exhibition to an audience even further has landed it in the center of the Big Apple's Skylight at Vessey. Through the use of engulfing 360-degree animation and digitals, Van Gogh's paintings, sketches, and drawings will project on over 15,000 sq ft of surfaces. The mapping technology utilized by Exhibition Hub will cover the venue wall-to-wall and floor-to-ceiling with Van Gogh's post-impressionist works through immersion.

Nestled in the prior location of the New York Mercantile Exchange at Brookfield Place, the exhibit will bring Van Gogh's legacy to life amongst New York’s financial district. Visitors to the Skylight on Vesey, 300 Vesey Street, Battery Park, can expect to see 300 different four-story-high projections, an on-site drawing studio, and additional galleries allowing for the exploration of Van Gogh's popular pieces like Vincent’s Bedroom at Arles, and Starry Night Over The Rhone River, creative technique's, and life as well.

via @vangogh.experience

Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience offers families and individuals of all ages a safe, informative, and sensory adventure. Purchase your tickets for Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience here, where pricing starts at $19.90 for Children and $36.00 for Adults. Special pricing is available for Seniors (65+), Students (13 to 26), and members of the Military. Tickets are available for June and beyond, although the first week is already sold out.

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