While we have a wealth of drunk eats options in New York City, sometimes you just NEED a carton of fast food french fries. We get it.

Heads up to specifically Wendy's lovers, Frosty Key Tags are back!

Somehow missed the train for Frosty Key Tags in previous years? Well, you've been missing out on unlimited Junior Frostys for the whooole year– for just $2. 

The best part about Frosty Key Tags (yep, better than unlimited Frostys) is that the money goes towards the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, which helps children in Foster care find forever homes.

All you gotta do is visit your local Wendy's, fork over 2 bucks for the tag, and begin collecting your free Frostys throughout 2017.

Sure, the bar is pretty low, but we feel like we can already say that 2017 is shaping up to be a much better year than 2016.


You have until December 31st, 2016 to make your key tag purchase. What are you waiting for? Free Frostys for charity? 

There's no reason to say no.

[via Time.com] [Feature Image Courtesy nbcnewyork.com]