Waste Not, Want Not: This Two-in-One Wine Gadget Will Save Your Summer

Summer’s almost here and that means it’s almost wine season—just like fall, winter, and spring. 

And if you’re anything like us, you hate that moment of panic when you realize you (and maybe your friends) aren’t going to be able to polish off the current bottle. 

Thankfully, the Kalorik 2-in-1 Wine Opener and Preserver is here to make that wretched moment a thing of the past, while at the same time eliminating all the hassle of opening fresh bottles.

Thankfully, the Kalorik 2-in-1 Wine Opener and Preserver is here to make that wretched moment a thing of the past, while at the same time eliminating all the hassle of opening fresh bottles.

Wine just never tasted the same the day after—until now!  

This little miracle allows you to vacuum seal any bottle of wine, preserving the deliciousness for enjoyment at a later date. 

Just press the preserver against the bottleneck and 20 seconds later you’ve got yourself a completely sealed bottle of wine, free from the flavor-sucking effects of wine oxidation.

Not satisfied to solve just one wine-related problem, the genius engineers at Kalorik have also created the world’s best wine opener. 

No more searching all over the house for your one corkscrew your drunk friend left under your bathroom sink. No more resorting to placing a bottle of wine in a shoe and hitting it against a brick wall (does that even work? Asking for a friend...).

With the Kalorik 2-in-1 Wine Opener and Preserver, you’ll be opening bottles in seconds flat, leaving you more time for what really matters in life – drinking more wine.  in action.

The Kalorik 2-in-1 Wine Opener and Preserver makes the perfect gift for the wine-lover in your life, even if that just means buying it for yourself. 

And, again, if you’re anything like us, the device should pay for itself in saved wine in a matter of weeks.

Stop Wasting Wine & Shop the Kalorik 2-in-1 Wine Opener and Preserver Right Here.