We’re pretty used to tropical storms by now, even more so with all the prep work New York City's budgeting for. But if you’re beach-bound or doing some of these fun things this Labor Day weekend, just a quick word of warning.

Tropical Storm Hermine made its way through the northeastern Gulf of Mexico yesterday, and it’ll drop by to say ‘oh hai’ on Saturday and possibly Sunday. 

The Weather Channel reports that the tropical storm could swing through NYC sometime this weekend. 

And we were all like, ‘Yaaaaaayyyyy. NOT.’

Potentially, there will be some coastal flooding and rain soaking anywhere from the Jersey Shore to the east of Long Island.

So on Saturday, rain suit (totally a thing!) up because it looks like the storm will be somewhere between the east and west of us, between Montauk and Cape May.

But Sunday should be better, with just some drizzle and much-needed coolness.


In case you haven’t studied meteorology, it’s kind of hard to predict where this sh*t will end up. 

They call it forecasting for a reason, right?

[via TimeOut][Feature Image Courtesy The New York Post] 

