Step one: tell your boss exactly how you really feel, tell them you're out (mic drop). 

Step two: apply for the perfect job known to man: a job where you are actually paid to drink endless amounts of beer in various locales across both the United States and the globe. 

Step three: live your best life, making $12,000 during an internship with the World of Beer, writing about the copious amounts of beer you are getting paid to drink. 

Newsflash: this is a serious job opportunity that you can apply for immediately. 

The World of Beer, a chain of craft beer taverns out of Florida, is hiring three interns for a summer full of beer festivals, breweries, travel, and, well, beer. 

World of Beer will pay for your travel expenses, lodging, and food (because nobody should drink on an empty stomach), while you have the dopest summer of your entire life. 

The job description states that World of Beer is "recruiting three Drink it Interns to hit the road this summer and search out the best craft beer and food the world has to offer."


They'll "send you down the street and around the world to capture the best beer stories and document them by blogging, capturing video, taking photos, Facebooking, Tweeting, sharing Vines, Periscoping, and anything else you think would be awesome to help tell the tale." 

How do you apply for this internship, you know, the best summer EVER?! 

Fill out an application, upload a video telling them about why you're the perfect person, and then share your application with any and every social media source to bump your way to the top of their list. 


Make sure you fill out your application by March 28th, because there's not enough booze in the world to drown your sorrows if you miss the deadline. 

If you pass the first round of call backs (aka in person interviews) and stun the people at World of Beer with your social media/brew knowledge, you could embark on your booze-filled summer beginning the last week in April. 

Check out This Delicious Interactive Map That Shows Where You Can Get Free Macarons.

[Feature Image Courtesy Instagram]