The Top 10 Most Instagrammable Walls in NYC

"I'm sorry I didn't hear what you were saying, I was too busy instagramming how much fun we're having."

That's a saying printed on a bag my friend gave me and honestly, all of us at some point. It's okay to admit–we're all suckers for the 'gram whether we're low-key or completely shameless about it. 

I mean hey, you clicked on this article.

Whether your Instagram game is already strong or you're looking to step it up, we've mapped out the best walls in NYC to be the backdrop–or star of–your next snap. 

So here it is, your guide to the 10 most Instagrammable walls in NYC. You're welcome.

1. #LoveWall

If walls could hold world records for most Instagrammed, the ones painted by James Goldcrown would definitely be in the running. One of the newest installments of his #lovewall is a more global version, complete with his iconic hearts. 


Let's face it, the world could use a little more love right now. Find it at Rag & Bone on Houston Street.

2. Big City of Dreams

*Alicia Keys voice* There's nothing you can't do, now you're in New York. (Including Instagramming this wall.) The piece might be by Los Angeles-based artist Tristan Eatons, but he's captured one of the best things about NYC. Find it on the corner of Allen and Rivington streets near the border of Little Italy and the Lower East Side.

3. I Love NY


I love NY, you love NY–I mean we're all here aren't we? This art is located on the wall at Pizza Beach, so not only can you get this snap but also get a slice while you're at it. A win-win if we've ever heard one. Find it at the location on 3rd Avenue.

4. Don't Call Me Baby


You really can never go wrong with Baron Von Fancy's art, especially when you're feeling sassy. This mural is part of #TheNewAllen project along Allen Street on the Lower East Side. 

5. Gimme Shelter

Okay, so this isn't street art ~technically~ but it is the really dope entrance of a restaurant called Shelter in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, located at the corner of North 7th Street and Wythe Avenue.

6. Average Bear


Just start walking down The Wall of Savas in Sunnyside, Queens and you're guaranteed to find something cool. The constantly changing space features Hektad's famous hearts and more like this collaboration between Thrashbird and WhIsBe.

Visit the wall in Sunnyside, Queens, starting on the corner of 43rd and 38th streets.

7. Wing It


These wings are part of artist Colette Miller's Global Angel Wings Project, which was created in 2012 to "remind humanity that we are angels of this earth." So get in touch with your angelic side and seek it out under the Metro-North Railroad tracks at 111th Street and Park Avenue in East Harlem.

8. Panda, Panda


This giant panda painting is definitely the cutest wall on this entire list. Like what else do we need to say about it? Find it on Allen Street near the Baron Von Fancy mural (see #3).

Follow Woodward Gallery and artist BKFOXX for more!

9. #ThatRainbowWall


The real and very to-the-point hashtag pretty much sums up the rainbow wall. It has a gradient of tropical colors and geometric shapes that will give you plenty of options when deciding which part of it to 'gram. 


Find it in DUMBO, Brooklyn on York Street between Adams and Washington.

10. Fly on the Wall

Local artist Jufe is behind this minimalistic mural proving that sometimes less really is more. The pale blue color and unlikely subject make it an interesting, if overlooked place to take a picture. The fly is located at 111th Street and 3rd Avenue in Harlem.

[Feature Image Courtesy Instagram] 

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