Ticketmaster of none, right?!

Purchasing tickets nowadays means you're gonna have to fork over an arm and a leg to see your favorite artist. It also means giving up another arm and a leg because of the outrageous fees that are tacked on top.

Ticketmaster recently settled a case that involved not disclosing those fees, and because of that, some lucky people who purchased tickets between October of '99 and February '13 will get to go to a free show or two.

But, it looks like New Yorkers and the rest of the country might have to learn some songs from bands that they have never heard of before.

New Yorkers will have a chance to get some free tickets to Live Nation's Gramercy Theatre and Irving Plaza to see some artists that they have absolutely no desire in seeing.

The stacked line-up of free shows includes the one-hit wonder The Proclaimers (this might be a little unfair, but real talk: how many songs by The Proclaimers can you name outside of "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)"? Oh, none? Right), mall singer Tiffany, and even punk band D Generation.

Exciting, no? 

No. Not even a little bit. 

Now, granted, there are people who would love to see these acts, and we are pretty sure they'll put on a hell of a show, but this isn't how you make up for ripping off customers for years.


A $400 million dollar settlement and the best Ticketmaster and Live Nation can do in New York City is give out a few free tickets to those guys who sing about walking 500 miles, or shows you would have to travel nearly that distance just to see in this state? C'mon.

Where are the Kanye tickets? A little Coldplay wouldn't hurt, would it?


These artists simply aren't worth going through the hurdles of a forgotten password. We'd much rather go to a free concert this summer than anything listed there.

Check out 6 Best Day Trips to Take Right Outside of NYC This Summer.

[via New York Daily News] [Feature Image Courtesy The New York Times]