$1,000 in FoodKick Credit Is Just What You Need for Your Spring Break Staycation

Ah! Spring! It's in the air! Drink it in, drink it in! Time for spring break! 

Sun's out, guns out! Time to soak up the rays, head down to the shore, book it to Cabo, have a kickass time with—wait. Wait a minute. We're not in high school anymore. We're not college undergrads drinking our weight in light beer. 

Instead, we're stuck grinding our way through the city, head down, powering through the workday, hoping to get out the door with just enough time to enjoy the sun a little before it sets. 

So, we're not going on vacation, but that doesn't mean we can't make our own spring break.  

And the first rule of spring break is that we don't talk about spring break. The second rule of spring break is that we don't do menial things like running errands, standing in line forever at the grocery store or the liquor store. 

Don't. Break. That. Rule. Instead? How about getting fresh food and cold booze* delivered right to your door in as little as an hour by our friends at FoodKick

Better yet, what if we foot the bill. 

SPRING BREAK FOREVER! We just teamed up with FoodKick, their big sister FreshDirect, Food52, and Delish to fuel your spring break staycation with $1,000 in FoodKick credit.

What does that get you? $1,000 in fresh food—meal kits, meal hacks, prepared meals, and everything you need for an epic grub fest—and cold booze. 

We're talking wine, beer, liquor, mixers, and yeah, even ice. 

How you choose to get down with $1,000 you don't have to spend in groceries (that could be what, a month or two if you're smart, and maybe a couple of weeks if you're just mad hungry) is entirely up to you. 

You can build out the rest of the your spring break with the money you don't spend on food—which is probably the leading cause of chronic brokeness if we're being honest. 

And this can be yours! For free! Just enter the giveaway

Spring Break Forevvvver! 

Enter to Win $1,000 in FoodKick Credit Right Here! 

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