So Jonas is coming. No, not Nick, Joe, or even Kevin... Winter Storm Jonas is upon us New Yorkers.
We're pretty sure you'll be stocking up your pantry with the essentials... and by that we mean bread, eggs, and milk, because apparently French toast is the only meal people need during blizzards? Seriously... we just don't get it. We're stocking up on booze.
But what if you're too busy or too lazy, to prepare for this three day binge of bread? You'll probably do what we're planning on doing... ordering delivery.
We're lazy, and we may drink more than is socially acceptable, but we're not total jerks. We recognize that the people who are delivering our food are going to be busting their asses in the cold with 30-40 mph winds and limited visibility.
Food delivery guys already have a pretty tough time in normal city conditions, so be prepared to be extra grateful for the fact that they'll be working in extreme circumstances.
If you do order from Seamless, Caviar, GrubHub, or whatever, here are some simple things to remember.
1. Patience is key

mrssocalrealestate The wait can be so difficult!!! #realtorlife #realtor #realestate #home #investment #incomeproperty #sell #buy #signthecontract #sayyes #leadingyouhome #socalrealestate #lightersideofrealestate #waiting #patience #accept #impatient #sellit
While we might all be pretty damn pissed off if our dinner was 45 minutes late on a normal day, we're just going to be happy to get any food at all delivered in the snow.
These guys will be attempting to peddle your food through freezing, powerful gusts of wind. Have you ever tried to bike against the wind? It's hard enough when you don't consider being ravaged by bullets of snow while trying to avoid black ice. Seriously, #respect.
2. Tip. A lot.

handsproducinghope Brighten your barista or waiters day, tip above & beyond what’s expected! Your small sacrifice can be such a big blessing!
Listen, we really hate when people stiff a tip. Just don't do it. If you don't know what other people in your neighborhoods are tipping (or stiffing), check this out. Regardless, you better reach deeper in your pockets when it comes to the tip for someone who just trudged through horrible conditions for you.
You're paying for a convenience, not a necessity. These guys will be the ones out in inclement weather so you don't have to be. Remember that when you think about whether that extra dollar or two is worth it. Hint: it is.
3. Be kind

motivatehopestrength #bekind #kindness #benice #rudepeoplesuck #highroad #manners #noexcuses #honesty #integrity #love #peace #happiness
This shouldn't even have to be on this list, however, it needs to be said. Don't be a d*ck when your food comes late or cold. You probably have a microwave. They might have frostbite.
If you live in a walkup, go downstairs to meet them. They just biked your sustenance to your apartment while you were cuddled up in blankets. You can afford to walk up and down some steps to save them the trouble.
4. Be prepared

ironmikemagazine @Regrann from @lonestargunrights - We all have that one friend. LIKE, SHARE AND COMMENT #Regrann #beprepared #imready #bugoutbag #ironmikemagazine #26MIKE #lentafortisinspirare #toughbraveinspire
It's easy to get comfortable knowing that your food is on its way. Actually, that's what you do. You mentally prepare yourself for the comfort of a huge blanket, slippers, and the fact that you don't need to leave your apartment.
Except for when the delivery guy shows up. Don't take your sweet a** time to get shoes on or answer the door. Your delivery person is probably mad cold. Be considerate of their time. They're here to feed you. Act like you're ready for your food.
5. Don't be dumb

samxmcc Exactly! #belikebob #ihatethecold #ihatethesnow #ihatewinter #dontbedumb #bobissmart #snow #pleasedontsnow
This has more to do with kindness and small talk. Yes, it's cold out there. You don't have to tell your delivery person that. They get it. They know. They were literally just out there.
Offer any small kindness you can. Even if it seems obvious that they'll say no, offer hot cocoa, coffee, or hot tea if you have it. This could make their day. But don't make small talk about the weather. Don't remind them that they just braved the elements to bring you General Tso's.
Saying, "Good luck!" or "Be careful out there!" might miss the mark. You might come off as smug. They're undoubtedly in a bad mood already, so don't wonder if those comments can miss the mark: They absolutely can.
It's a small gesture, but if you've ever been on the other side of this, then you know exactly how welcome it is.
Check out 8 Prettiest Places to Enjoy This Weekend's Snow in NYC.
[Feature Image Courtesy Instagram]