Je Suis Bruxelles: 12 Things About Belgium That Any New Yorker Would Fall in Love With

Enchanting cities, beautiful art, rich history, delicious beer, and food; MY GOSH THE FOOD. Did we mention the castles? Belgium has it all. 

Sure, as New Yorkers we’re partial to our home turf, and amazing city of endless possibilities. 

But traveling and culture makes us richer, and what better place to visit than somewhere we as New Yorkers will fit seamlessly? 

Belgium is the perfect parallel. 

As a New Yorker, here are 12 things you’ll definitely fall in love with in Belgium. Head. Over. Heels. And we’d be surprised if you don’t find yourself adding to this list too.

1. Brunch


via Lauren Breedlove/GirlWanderList

New Yorkers, we love brunch. Well, Belgium will do you one better with the best GD waffles you’ve ever put in your mouth. 


Whether you order a take away waffle to wander with, or dine in on a massive one, the options abound. You can’t go wrong with waffles anyways; that’s what we always say.

2. Beer


via Lauren Breedlove/GirlWanderList

New Yorkers have access to beers from all over the world that congregate in the multitudes of bars that NYC has to offer. 

But we promise you, it’s different when you drink it on the home turf. And Belgium has some of the best brews.

3. Art


Museums and various city art displays are super impressive. 

So even if art appreciation isn’t usually your best subject, you may just excel here.

4. Music


We New Yorkers love live music of course. Well, you’re in luck because so do Belgians. 

There’s hosts of amazing live music venues to get down and boogie, or sit back, relax, and enjoy.

5. History


via Lauren Breedlove/GirlWanderList

NYC has some pre war buildings yes, but Europe takes the cake in this category. It’s just a plain fact.

 We’re talking medieval here. In general, Europe possesses the wisdom of the well aged, and Belgium is no exception. Stroll the streets and step back in time. Oh, and those castles we mentioned.

6. Chocolate


via Lauren Breedlove/GirlWanderList

Ok, so this isn’t strictly a NY’er thing. We’re pretty sure everyone everywhere loves them some chocolate. But seriously though, this is the best stuff; quite possibly in the world. 



7. More chocolate 


via Lauren Breedlove/GirlWanderList

Back to chocolate though. This time of the hot variety. Hot. Chocolate. Guaranteed to be the best you’ve ever tasted. This is how it goes down, literally:

Step 1: Walk into chocolate shop. Admire the choices printed on sticks where at the end is a chunk of chocolate.

Step 2: Choose a flavor from the glass case as if it’s a sparkling diamond. Order and watch as it’s dipped into a cup of steaming milk.


Step 3: Swirl stick around until chocolate milks.

Step 4: Take a sip and FALL IN LOVE. You will never be the same.

8. Fries 


via Lauren Breedlove/GirlWanderList

There’s a reason we can’t wait for Pomme Frites to reopen. That warm crisp stick of potato goodness is scrumptious and so are the sauces we bathe them in. 

Belgium is known for being the creator of the French fry, despite it’s name. They also boast dippin sauces aplenty, so order some frites and get dippin’ man!

9. Choices 


We New Yorker’s love having copious choices. Just like in New York, you can be in a city, trolling the countryside, or sopping up the sun on the coast all within a quick jaunt in the fine country of Belgium.

10. Transportation


They make getting around easy. Trains are easy to navigate and nothing is more than a few hours away. 

This makes a weekend, or even an afternoon getaway possible. We like those odds.

11. Architecture 


via Lauren Breedlove/GirlWanderList

Belgium’s architectural designs are quite simply, super impressive. As New Yorker’s we appreciate the new and modern buildings we see going up in minutes around our city. 


At the opposite end of the spectrum we can admire the classic and timeless designs of ancient times. And Belgium is the place to do that.

12. Cafes 


via Lauren Breedlove/GirlWanderList

We mentioned eating, but seriously though, cute cozy cafes GALORE. As New Yorkers we love food (obviously), and endless choices of eateries to boot. 

Belgium has this covered with café after café lining every charming street. You’ll want to spend the whole day café hopping, we promise.

Check out To Brussels, With Love: A Plea for Strength from a Heartbroken New York City. 

[Feature Image Courtesy Instagram] 

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