It's no secret that New York City has a wealth of amazing, unique bars. Waterfront bars. 90s bars. Secret bars

Add one more to the list! 

Next summer, the guys behind Grand Banks, the oyster and cocktail bar aboard the F/V Sherman Zwicker schooner, will be transforming a 1960's FDNY boat into another floating restaurant.

The NYC Citywide Administrative services regularly auction off city-owned properties and goods, including decommissioned FDNY boats– Brothers Miles and Alex Pincus, and Adrien Gallo won the auction for the Fireboat Governor Alfred E. Smith on October 3rd.

The Governor, as it's now being called, went for $34,800, as reported by Gothamist. She's still docked in the Brooklyn Navy, where she's been been chillin' since put on reserve a decade ago but was fully functional a year ago, when she was last used.

Does anyone else think it's weird referring to a boat as a "she"? Why do we gender boats at all? No? Nevermind.

Anyway, we don't really know what type of fare, or really much at all about what will go down on The Governor, besides that she'll be docked for service (sorry, you'll have to look elsewhere for a dinner cruise). 


Grand Banks serves oysters, small plates, and drinks, but who knows if they'll do something similar. Either way, there's still basically a year before she's going to be open for business (See?? It's weird!!)

Check out a video tour of the Governor below:

[via Gothamist] [Feature Image Courtesy Lohud] 
