Nothing About That Swipe Was Right: 8 Struggles of Going on Terrible Tinder Dates in NYC

Tinder is kind of a crazy thing. But, not just the swiping right and left aspect of Tinder. Also, the social interactions that Tinder creates.

Pretty much every first Tinder date in the history of the world has been a little weird. But, sometimes they really get out of control.

We’ve heard stories about people getting puked on, spit on, drinks thrown in their face. It really is a jungle out there. 

Luckily, we’re here to tell you the telltale signs of a Tinder date that’s headed on a one way trip to Looney Tune Land. 

Dine is the best dating app for not only getting a date, but also knowing where to take that date. It cuts through the bullsh*t of endless swiping and is proven to get you more dates.

Maybe, you’ll be able to get out while the getting is good. Of course, we're not here just spitting out warning signs. We have solutions. Dine.

Dine is the best dating app for not only getting a date, but also knowing where to take that date. It cuts through the bullsh*t of endless swiping and is proven to get you more dates. 

Not only that, but instead of the random "U up" message, Dine matches you with people already prepared to go on a date. Dine introduces you to 3-5 different people a day, and if they strike your fancy, you can send them a date request. 

Then it takes the guesswork out of what to do or where to go for the first date. Dine matches you with bars, restaurants, and cafes as well. So it's nothing like a rando encounter or Netflix & Chill sesh, and it's nothing too uptight and formal. 

Check out the Dine dating app
right here. Get more dates than swipes. Then, read on about all of the ways a Tinder date (which is never really a date) goes terribly wrong.

1. They don't know what they want

Match made, message sent. Dude says, "Hey. Whatup. How r u?" Default message. Literally phoning it in on phoning it in. 

Sometimes, it's worse. They know exactly what they want and they don't actually care if you want the same. So they drop trou and show you their gift. Why? Who knows? 

Either way, with Dine, you don't run into such a rude introduction. You're matched with people ready to date. That's the floor-level expectation. Sure, a date is what you make of it, but Dine at least lays the groundwork for something to do, rather than waiting to figure that out.

2. They don’t look like their picture

This one kind of goes without saying. Obviously they’re not going to look like the picture. Call us cynical, but people only put their best selves up on Tinder. Nobody is going to put up a picture of themselves looking like a total noodle monster. That’s just bad strategy.

But, we’re talking about the times when someone looks absolutely nothing like their pictures. We’re talking about a catfish-style scenario. Anything involving catfishing or catfishing-like scenarios is the worst way to start off a Tinder date.

Unless, of course, you’re living in the south and you are literally going into a pond to catch catfish. Maybe that’s still the sign of a bad Tinder date, but we don’t really know because we don’t live in the boonies of Alabama.

Instead, we live under the bright lights of New York City where dating apps like Dine are linked to your Facebook profile, so you're hard pressed to use a fake picture. Of course, it's important to be cautious either way. 

A good picture can only take you so far, but when you use Dine and you know that chances are better than good that you're going to get a date because these are people ACTUALLY prepared to go on a real date IRL, you're going to use a picture that's of you - not you stuck in a crowd of your friends. Just. You.

3. They have a much different interpretation of what "going on a date" means

Maybe they ask you to meet them at their place before you go to dinner. That's just weird. They're making a lot of assumptions immediately. It's not a good look. Or it's the perfect icebreaker. Or it's just a rando Tinder swipe on a Tuesday. 

Getting invited over before the date, tryin' to hook-up and say, "Well damn, why don't we just call it a night?" just sets itself up for, "My phone died, that's why I couldn't text you for three days straight or ever again."

With Dine, you're meeting someone who's prepared to meet you at a bar or restaurant because food and drink are, generally speaking, very satisfying. 

So while pre-game business might still be what you're looking for, Dine clears up any confusion by letting you determine who's paying ahead of time and even giving the option to meet up with friends. 

4. "It's a surprise"

They asked what you like. You were nervous, maybe said something like, "Idk... something ethnic?" Yo, what the hell does that even mean?!

Ethnic. They didn't know what you meant, so that's why you're waiting in line at a Chinese takeout joint they swear by. Actually, they've never had it, but their boy Kendrick's cousin Michael's sister Denise said was amazing, according to some guys she heard talking about it at a Dunkin Donuts in Midtown. 

Either way, these are the chances you take when you go on a surprise Tinder date. Dine takes some of the guesswork and headaches (not all, because, well, people) out of the dating game by matching you with people who are prepared to date and have a good idea of where they want to go. 

5. Nothing in common

Sometimes you’re on a Tinder date and you just feel their attention slipping through your fingers. The move is to remain calm.

If you find yourself describing the entire plot to every Die Hard movie, we’re not just talking the originals either, we’re talking about every Die Hard movie ever made, the entire franchise, then you have gone off the rails. 

Make the next legal U-turn. Reevaluate your life. Or, at the very least, exit the date immediately and go back to swiping. Or don't. How about you learn from your mistakes and change up the game entirely and date with Dine. Let's face it: you're not likely to find a good date very easily with Tinder. 

With Dine you already have a better chance at actually getting a date, and the people you're matched with actually want to go out on a date. Pick a bar you both already love, take a group of friends.  

Dine helps to get rid of the discomfort of not knowing where to go, and when you both already know the spot, you already have something to talk about. 

6. Tears

Just like there’s no crying in baseball, there’s no crying in Tinder. If you start crying or the other person starts crying, then this is a disaster. Probably the worst disaster you’ll have to deal with all week.

But, the good news is that this is a Tinder date after all and you can always just go back to your apartment alone and start swiping again. 

Or, you know, you could give up on life or finding love and buy a bunch of cacti that you’ll water once a month to be your friends. 

Get More Dates Than Swipes. Download the Dine Dating App Right Here. 

[Feature Image Courtesy Vanity Fair ] 

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