Whole Foods is attempting to diversify its consumer base, attempting to transform their 365 chain into a "hip, cool" place for millennials, according to Grub Street

Naturally, the only proper way to accomplish that goal is to add in-store tattoo parlors. Or, at least that's what a Whole Foods co-CEO told Bloomberg this week.

The program, titled "Friends of 365," will feature third-party vendors to set up in their stores, including tattoo parlors, record shops, bone-broth sellers, cafés, and clothing retail. 

Although the vendors will vary, we're pretty sure we just heard the collective cheers of the hipsters residing in Williamsburg... because what one really needs while shopping for kale and gluten-free chips is a tattoo. 

The Friends of 365 website states that it is looking for creative entrepreneurs to partner with their stores. 

"Whether you're into fast-casual food service, breakthrough retail (body care products, clothing, shoes, housewares, pet, etc.) or cool street services (barber shop, knife sharpening, fitness)-- if you've got a thriving business ready to go all the way live, we want to hear from you." 


We're seriously put off by the suggestion that someone may be getting a buzzcut or tribal tat in the same space as our organic, non-GMO'd groceries. 

But then again, it seems as if this step to lure in millennials trumps a little thing called food safety. 

axt_ibr_mrk チェルシーの#ホールフーズマーケット へ。ここでJOHN MASTARS ORGANICSのヘアオイルを購入。日本で買うよりだいぶ安い! #dec2015#travel#NY#NYC#newyork#newyorkcity#wholefoodsmarket#chelsea#shopphng#ニューヨーク#2015旅行記#時系列旅行記#街歩き#お買い物

But, who are we to question Whole Food's quest to become "a super cool hang" with a "techno buzz" atmosphere. Because that's what we millennials really want from our grocery stores...

For those of us who don't want other people's hair near our strawberry selection, and would rather have a grocery service that's fast, reliable, and perfect for a real millennial residing in some areas of NYC, there's FoodKick from FreshDirect.  

Check out These New Renderings of How Anthony Bourdain's Massive Food Market Will Look. 

[via Grub Street] [Feature Image Courtesy Organic Authority] 

