We could all use a getaway every now and again; especially when the weather is endlessly temperamental. (Seriously, where the hell is summer? Ugh.) 

But unfortunately, there are usually several aspects of life that prevent us from taking a well-deserved vacation, the #1 offender being our bank accounts. 

Living in New York City, we simply don't have the funds to jet set around the globe once vacation season is in full swing. 

Lucky for us, though, JetBlue is offering some incredible summer air fare deals. 

If you book by May 18th for travel between June 1st and September 28th, you can nab some amazing deals on flights out of NYC - some tickets are as low as $55! 

Destinations include Bermuda (for $79), Fort Lauderdale, FL (for $99), and Martha's Vineyard, MA (for $105) - not too shabby.

JetBlue is also offering getaway packages that include both air fare and hotel costs for 4 day, 3 night stays. 


It's simply too good to pass up. 


Check out the full list of offerings here, and get ready for the best (and cheapest) summer vacay of your life. 

Check out This Incredible Summer Flash Sale at JetBlue Right Here. 

[via Jet Blue] [Feature Image Courtesy Instagram]