The never-ending list of amazing places to grab sushi in New York City (no really, we have a lot) has grown by one.

While we think are sushi game is up there, we admittedly got nothing on Los Angeles.

The LA sushi joint that famously doesn't take reservations, SUGARFISH, basically has a bonafide cult following, with people waiting hours in line for a table.

Now, NYC is getting their own SUGARFISH in Flatiron– expect the same type of crowds at this 43 seat spot.

So... you wouldn't mind loaning us an In-N-Out next, would you LA?

Anyway, like their LA counterpart, SUGARFISH's NYC branch will be serving the freshest well-sourced fish as possible at affordable prices (god bless), warm sushi rice, and their popular "Trust Me" omakase menus.

There are three options, as reported by Gothamist

The standard Trust Me, which is $39 with gratuity included, includes organic edamame, tuna sashimi, 8 pieces of sushi, and two hand rolls. There is also a "Lite" choice for $27 that serves half of the sushi from the standard Trust me. 

Finally, the deluxe "Nozawa," $51, is similar to the first option as well, but with the addition of four extra pieces of sushi and a "Daily Special."


We. Are. So. Ready.

Also, what we've got over LA is that we don't GAF about waiting in lines. Whoever believes that our generation is all about "instant gratification" has obviously never seen the lines for Shakespeare in the Park, New York Comic Con tickets at Midtown Comics, or the ladies bathroom in Grand Central.

We just want our sh*t from Amazon in two days. So bring it on, SUGARFISH!

Check them out for lunch and dinner at 33 East 20th Street.

[via Gothamist] [Feature Image Courtesy Instagram] 

