Good News: We're Seriously Just Giving Away This Shiny, New iPad Pro for Free in Our Shop!

Don’t be embarrassed about your computer. 

It’s stuck with you through thick and thin. It gets your work done and takes you where you need to go on the internet superhighway. 

But come on, it’s getting a little old. And lugging it around is kind of starting to hurt your shoulder.

Yes, your laptop will be a little bit jealous, but he’ll get over it-- especially when he sees what this thing can do. 

So enter here to win this brand new iPad Pro for free and take one giant leap into the flat future.

Yes, your laptop will be a little bit jealous, but he’ll get over it-- especially when he sees what this thing can do.

The iPad Pro is next-level awesome. It puts the old versions to shame with its totally upgraded model, power and capabilities. 

The screen display is 12.9 inches of gorgeous and naturally, it’s light as air so you can tote it with you anywhere and barely even notice the weight. Read, write, work, watch, do it all like a true tech badass on the go. 


You’re also getting the Apple Pencil, so if a stylus is more your style, you’re in luck. Plus you can paint and create like a true artist with that tool at your fingertips.

It’s got 32GB of storage, plus an incredible camera and easy breezy interface so start snapping pics and downloading away. The store is yours to dominate, so you'd be crazy not to enter.

Entry is totally free and winning gets you both the iPad pro and the Apple pencil. It’s supports all the apps, bells and whistles that every Apple product delivers and it’s going to make your work life look a whole lot slicker.

Enter to win this totally amazing iPad Pro & Apple Pencil here.

Check out Welcome to Your New Favorite Store on the Internet. You're Welcome

[Feature Image Courtesy The Indian Express] 

