Not-so-Sleepy Hollow: Win a Ferry Ride to America's Actual Halloweentown!

If the the fact that you haven't been sweating your face off on the subway recently hasn't been an indicator, Summer 2016, a.k.a Literal Hell, is finally coming to a close. We're all definitely thoroughly DONE with summer at this point, yeah?

Well, if you're bummed about saying goodbye to beach weather (despite again, this summer being THE WORST), usher in Autumn with a sweet ferry ride to America's Halloweentown, Sleepy Hollow.

Three lucky winners will nab two tickets on New York Water Taxi's Sleepy Hollow Ferry to spend a day exploring the not-so-sleepy town of Sleepy Hollow.

Winners will have the ability to choose from three dates in October to take this day trip.

If you're rusty on your Washington Irving , his short story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" (check out the 1999 Johnny Depp movie) has haunted the real town of Sleepy Hollow for the centuries since– making it the nation's Halloween capital. 

Definitely don't miss the chance for you and bae to scare yourselves silly on a Cemetery Walking Tour or a visit to this wildly popular, totally terrifying haunted house, Horseman's Hollow.

The ferry runs round trip from Manhattan to Ichabod's Landing, where there is a free shuttle into the town. You'll be able to grab a themed drink from the bar and peek the Fall foliage along the Hudson River from a climate-controlled cabin or the open top deck. 


We're also going to let you in on a little secret. Despite it's spooky history and that show on NBC, Sleepy Hollow is pretty much the cutesy small town of your Instagram feed's dreams. 

You will lose what small ability you still possess to properly use the word literally because you will literally can't even when you check out the Sleepy Hollow's Farmer's market. TBH, you wouldn't think so, but the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery is actually pretty beautiful (obviously like, not at midnight).

Each day available for this ferry excursion is on unique event happening nearby, like the 20th Annual Street Fair, Taste of Sleepy Hollow (local food, wine, and beer, b*tches!), and the Tarrytown Halloween Parade.

Start off your Fall with a BOO! You have until September 14th– enter to win right here

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