New York City Pride is already off to a great start!

The New York City Council voted this past Tuesday for all businesses to remove gendered signs from their single person bathrooms starting January 1.

Refreshingly enough, the legislation passed by a landslide with a 47-2 vote.

The vote was a follow up to what was considered a controversial bill passed by Mayor de Blasio in March that allowed transgender and gender non-conformist individuals to use the single-sex bathrooms that they felt was appropriate for their gender identity.

After the passing of said bill in March de Blasio stated, “Access to bathroom and other single-sex facilities is a fundamental human right that should not be restricted or denied to anyone.”

This is just another step forward for New York City in the movement to diminish discrimination against transgender individuals. 

Large bathrooms with many stalls are not affected by the passing of this bill, but all city-owned single person bathrooms are.


This was also done, in part, in response to the recent bill passed in North Carolina that requires individuals to use the bathroom that matches the gender listed on their birth certificate.

Days like today make us incredibly proud of the city that we love.

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[via Time Out] [Feature Image Courtesy Instagram] 

