San Francisco has a lot in common with New York City... 

Our rents are both insanely overpriced, our public transportation systems are cesspools for plague, and we both have insanely beautiful skylines... 

But that's where it stops. 

Apparently, San Franciscans ate McDonald's new Gilroy Garlic Fries at such an alarming rate that they've scarfed through the entire stock of the product in a few weeks. 

GrubStreet reported that McDonald's attempt at becoming more "hip" went way off the mark with their most recent venture into the deeply sketchy realm of flavored French fries. 

The fries, which are titled "Gilroy Garlic Fries" use garlic from Christopher Ranch, which could not sustain such an ungodly demand from Bay Area citizens that it ran out of the plant at an absurdly rapid rate in spite of being at the heart of the "Garlic Capital of the World."

McDonald's only rolled out the new item as a test to locations in the Bay Area, stating that it "was only natural that we'd want to create an offering that showcases this local flavor." 

While we're not sure whether or not McDonald's actually cares about any local or hell, even natural flavors, the fries were apparently so delicious that they just couldn't keep up. 


Okay, we admit that we're totally into fries with chopped garlic, olive oil, parmesan cheese, and parsley, but we're not too sure that we'd be willing to chow down on a large order on a regular basis. 

Whether or not we'd be into tasting the new product is irrelevant, due to the fact that restocking the garlic of McDonald's "high-quality standards" could take weeks. 

Check out The Best Food & Drink Festivals Going Down This Summer in NYC.

[via GrubStreet] [Feature Image Courtesy PotatoPro] 
