Okay, so right into January came one of the most beautiful memes of 2017.
Of course we're talking about Salt Bae. Originating from a video of the attractive Turkish chef Nusret Gökce, his meat preparation took the world by storm due to his dedication, precision, and the all around sensual way he hones his craft.
Particularly, the meme moment is when he completes the finishing touch by sprinkling salt with a enviable flair.
From the meme relating to 'salty' behavior, pettiness, other memes and Trump building his stupid wall Salt Bae has made quite an impression on us.
And soon, his meat will be able to be served at restaurants across the globe. Salt Bae is not included in the dish, unfortunately.
According to TimeOut NY, the chef has been making plans of opening up branch restaurants, and one of them is in NYC sometime this year.
We know. We're psyched as well.
Nusret says that he will be opening his Nusr-Et steakhouse chain in Gotham in the next couple of months.
We hope to hear some official dates soon, but we consider ourselves pretty fortunate to have steakhouses be sexy again.
[via TimeOutNY] [Feature Image Courtesy Popsugar]