We’ve been fiends for ice cream this summer. In the absurdly sweltering heat, we could use any kind of ice to cool ourselves down.

And if it comes in the form of ice cream, who are we to object? Nobody. Nobody of any consequence. 

Joe DiStefano has brought a revelation to his Lower East Side shop location: the babka ice cream sandwich.

This beautiful dessert creation (dessertion?), according to Gothamist, has been on the menu at the original Russ & Daughters as well as their Orchard Street Cafe since December, but it’s gotten way more popular with the summer heat.

The babka ice cream sandwich is made up of two slices of their homemade chocolate babka and their also homemade chocolate babka ice cream. 

Say babka again.


They’re sold for $7 each, and worth every penny.


Eat quickly (and maybe get another) before the heat gets to them first. 

[via Gothamist] [Feature Image Courtesy Instagram] 
