Roommate Horror Stories: We've All Got 'Em & We're All Ready to Get Over It

If you've ever had to share a room in your life, the chances are pretty high that you have a horrible roommate story from that experience.  

Or, you at least know someone who has had an absolutely insane month or year or whatever, dealing with the most impossible human. 

But does finding a good, responsible, non-invasive roommate have to be so difficult and seemingly impossible? 

We get it. The struggle is realer than real to find a roommate that's easy to live with, let alone an apartment that doesn't cost your entire life savings. And let's face it, if figuring out how to live in the city were easy and affordable, a sh*t ton more people would be doing it.

But does finding a good, responsible, non-invasive roommate have to be so difficult and seemingly impossible? 

Commiserate with the stories in the video below, ones we've gathered with a little help from our friends at Edge in Motion Productions.

Prison Paella. Open-door sex policies. Milk bandits. Jars of urine. These are the stories that have scarred us—FOR TOO LONG! 

Of course, it doesn't help when you think you have no choice but to turn to Craigslist in a quick pinch. It's free, and yeah, like most anything else on the internet, weeding out the sketchy people just comes with the territory. 

Oh, except you always have a choice—especially when it comes to free services and non-creepy people. Kick it over to SpareRoom

So, think of SpareRoom as the Craigslist cure; Craigslist is likely the dude who gets busted on To Catch a Predator, SpareRoom’s moderators are like Chris Hansen; the host catching them at the scene of the trap, poised and ready to bring the cops in the house.

Check out SpareRoom, find a a roommate worth a damn, and stop re-living the horrors of your worst roommate stories once and for all! 
