Believe it or not, the Rockefeller Center Ice Skating Rink opens next week, on October 7th, for their 81st year! 

So we're predicting people might actually be ice skating in short sleeves and shorts, because with the kind of weather we've been having, even the walk to work has been kinda rough. 

And while the fall season has hardly taken flight yet, clearly the iconic rink, just as in past years, marches to the beat of their own drum and opens as early as their little heart desires. 

That being said, we think we speak for everyone when we say that ice skating in shorts and a t-shirt is bound to be a great time. Sure, it'll look strange, but less layers also means we can pick up the speed a bit, for all you go-hards. 


Plus, the obvious, most popular time to go is in your scarf and peacoat during the holiday season, with the tree lit up and that ice skating rink draped with beautiful decorations. Getting your fix early kinda might be a good idea... 

So yeah, you might want to avoid those crazy lines, put down the pumpkin spice latte, and get to Rockefeller next month.  

VIP reservations including access to the VIP igloo, are available to book now. Or visit the skate house anytime for general admission tickets, as they're always available!

[via timeout] [Feature Image Courtesy flickr] 

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