To Cook or Not to Cook? The Quintessential NYC Struggles You'll Have Before Almost Every Meal

Being a New Yorker comes with a unique selection of pros and cons. You have an apartment in the most exciting place in the world where people would literally kill to live! But, it’s the size of a closet and you can touch your kitchen from your bed (good problems?).

Or, the most heartbreaking. There is SO MUCH FOOD available to you, you never have to go to the same restaurant twice! But, as a creature of habit, you go to the same restaurant twice... every week. And poof! Presto! You're broke AF! 

FoodKick, the undoubtedly dope younger sister of FreshDirect is saving us from no-food 'Oh, shit!' crisis by delivering the essentials and essentially everything we could ever want or need right to our apartments in as little as an hour. 

So, we promise to ourselves (and our bank accounts) that we'll stay at home and cook more... but it just seems so hard. 

FoodKick is the solution to every food or booze* mood you find yourself in—just like NYC itself. Whatever you're craving, it’s all right there. 

Roberta's Pizza? Now goin' in your oven. Mexican? They've got a MYO taco kit. Chilled wine? It's no longer two blocks over at the store, it's a few taps and swipes away from being at your door. 

FoodKick, the undoubtedly dope younger sister of FreshDirect, is saving us from no-food 'Oh, shit!' crisis by delivering fresh food, cold booze, and essentially everything we could ever want or need right to our apartments in as little as an hour.

Questions? Good. We got 'em at just about every meal. 

Answers: FoodKick


Do I stop at the cart or nah? 


We all have our local Coffee Cart Man. Whether he’s outside your apartment, near your subway stop, or a block from your office, he plays an important role in all of our lives. 

Of course we also could have woken up just a bit earlier to make something at home, but, like, that's asking just a little too much. 

But is it? If you knew with FoodKick you could have doughnuts from Doughnut Plant or bagels from Baz Bagels delivered right to your door, you'd plan around that, right? They've even got nitro cold brew + craft coffee beans. 

That's an event in itself. It's like Christmas. Or some other day that's almost as good as Christmas. But you can celebrate it every day.


How sad will I let my desk lunch make me? 


Unless you work for somewhere cool and all of your lunches are paid for and gourmet, chances are you face a daily struggle of, "Do I really want my coworkers to judge me based on the leftovers I bring in for lunch, or should I go grab something at that cute new pop-up?"


Seriously, is there anything more torturous than being forced to watch your work wife devour a delicious meal while you’re stuck with a depressing homemade salad made of wilted lettuce and squishy tomatoes that you brought in a recycled takeout container?

No. No, there is not. 

Have some self-respect and dress up that salad with some fresh produce, maybe some grilled chicken or salmon, and tasty herbs, cheeses, vinaigrettes—literally, it's so easy to make a decent salad, we're making ourselves sad that you don't.

Ready to take that brave new step into the world of actually satisfying, real, adult food? Take that first step with your new friend FoodKick. You're welcome. 


A dollar slice is good enough, right?


After a long day in the office, it could be easy to just settle for a dollar slice or two on your way home from work. After all, who wants to get home at 6 or 7 and just start preparing everything you need to make dinner? That’s quality bath and Netflix time you’re wasting right there. 

While those slices are good every once and awhile, too often they become lack luster and empty and sad and—we're not crying, dammit! We've just got pizza grease on our... cheeks.  

Face the facts: Nobody wants a disappointing meal.

So, why not just take advantage of FoodKick and save yourself the disappointment and drama?

Snag one of FoodKick's prepared meals like their Dinosaur BBQ Pulled Pork Sliders (like, you literally just need to microwave the meat and put it on top of slider buns). It's like you cooked something delicious, and had to put forth like zero effort. 

Top it off with a glass (or bottle—we don't judge) of your favorite red, and you're completely and utterly winning at life.

Should I wait until I get home? 

Happy hour sometimes gets the better of us and runs an hour... or two... past when it should have. Sharing some slapdash spinach dip with your coworkers, a meal maketh not. 

It's only 9:00 p.m., you need dinner—a sensible meal, please—and the ride home is rich with temptation. 


Bright neon signs for fried things that will only hurt us in the morning. Chicken. Mozzarella sticks. Chicken fingers. Chicken strips. Chicken nuggets. Yeah, you're right. A lot of it is chicken. 

But you can wait until you get home and eat your chicken too. Whip out your phone. Jump into the FoodKick app. You want to add your own brand of TLC to some organic chicken and cook it yourself? Do it. But if you want a roasted barbeque rotisserie chicken? Oh, help yourself. But if you like really, really need chicken fingers, they've got those too.

Not sure exactly what you want to do? Practice patience and self-control. Wait until you get home, pull up the FoodKick app or head over to, and order exactly what you want. It'll be there in as little as an hour. 

Yes, it's totally fine to order a nice cold bottle of champagne to celebrate this achievement. And yes, you can get that with FoodKick. You're welcome.  

Don't Get Hangry—Get FoodKick. Head Over to or Download the App for iPhone & Android.

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