We've all been there—you're downtown shopping and suddenly your venti iced mocha latte kicks in and you need a place to GO like, NOW.

You have a few options... 

You can shadily hang around in a Starbucks until you can sneak into the restroom without buying anything, risking exposure to what could very well look like THAT scene from BridesmaidsYou can pull a full 007 heist and sneak into a hotel lobby bathroom without the front desk clerks catching you.

Or you can check out Poopers Guide: an Instagram account that makes it fun and easy to find a decent bathroom in NYC!

This break through in potty transparency was started by 31 year-old, Williamsburg resident, and bathroom connoisseur, Andrew Paul Maksymowicz.

His research began 10 years ago in college, he told Gothamist, "I knew the best bathrooms to go to when I wanted to skip class or go between classes." 

"I have family in New York, so I brought those skills of knowing the best bathrooms around campus to the city, as I wandered around Times Square by myself, needing to go to the bathroom and thinking, why is there nowhere good to go?"

Since creating the Insta account, Maksymowicz has ranked over 40 restrooms on accessibility, amenities, size, comfort, and cleanliness, as well as age-ranking for parents in need of a changing table or other kid-friendly needs.

His favorite lavatory locales include The Ace Hotel, Felice restaurant on Gold Street, and for the gal on the go, Nordstrom Rack in Union Square.

A few to AVOID include the FiDi Burlington Coat Factory, Irving Coffee on the UES, and Port Authority Bus Terminal. Which, I mean, is not surprising... we try to avoid that whole area, let alone the bathrooms. 


All we can say about this account is, "What a relief!"

[via Gothamist] [Feature Image Courtesy Lockerdome.com]