Because It'll Light Anything, Anywhere, Anytime: This Is the Best Lighter You'll Ever Buy. Seriously.

Save the whales. Stop destroying the environment. Waste not want not. You get it. 

The point is, stop buying things and throwing them away so soon. Like your lighters, for example. 

Those cheap plastic things from the gas station pile up in the garbage and they’re hideous. 

Upgrade your fire game with the Plazmatic X Lighter that’s 28% off now. Not only does it look great whenever you light up, but it’s reliable, durable and high tech enough to give you fire under any circumstances. 

You’ll want to hang onto this one for a long time.

The uniquely designed X lighting mechanism is specifically engineered to light anything you put in front of it, including any sized candles, cigarettes, cigars, incense, hemp wicks and even more. 

If you’re outside in a blowing gale or driving rain, sleet or snow, you can still get a light because this thing is designed to spark in any conditions since it’s wind and even water resistant. It’s that good. 

No more hunching over or cupping your hands. It recharges using a simple USB cord and the lithium ion battery lasts for longer than ever.


It’s eco friendly because you won’t be disposing of so much plastic anymore. It’s super reliable with its wider lighting surface that you can count on to provide a flame to anything, even under the worst weather conditions around.

Save 28% on it right now and never buy plastic again. It even ships for free within the continental US, so check it out right here.

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