Have you felt an undercurrent of stress with a hint of despair whip through the city recently? 

Unfortunately, you're not the only ones. 

According to a recent study conducted by the PBA, or Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, the morale of the NYPD ranks much lower than it did prior to Mayor de Blasio and Commissioner Bratton taking office. 

Similarly, the PBA reports that the survey respondents believe that the city is less safe today than it was two years ago. 

While City Hall spokeswoman Monica Klein states that the city is "experiencing historic lows in criminal activity," the NYPD doesn't seem to share the same sentiment. 

The survey was conducted through email to any PBA member with an email listed (about 12,548). About half of those with emails completed the survey, stating the response was "very high."

McLaughlin & Associates, a consulting firm, was responsible for conducting the survey and analyzing the results. 


The survey revealed that 87% of officers believe that the city is "less safe" today than it was two years ago, with 55% of the surveyed believing that the city is currently "a lot less safe."

The survey also looked at the morale of officers, finding that average morale of police officers rated on a 2.49 on a scale from 0 to 10, remaining consistent between cops of all ages, gender, and tenure. 

Almost all cops surveyed (96%) believe that suspects are much more likely to "actively resist" arrest. 

While Commissioner Bratton has attempted to improve the relationships between the police department and their communities, this survey shows that many police officers remain wary and downhearted.


The New York Post states that police officers that often "work the beat said cops are so dispirited because they don't feel like they have the support of the communities where they work- or of the NYPD brass, for that matter."

They go on to state, "[morale] is terrible. It's always been bad, but this is the worst [it has been]. Even though Bratton stands up there and tells you, 'We're not about numbers, we're not about summonses,' that's a lot of BS."

Unfortunately, retention rates seem to be threatened, as 90% of cops said they would be willing to leave their positions at the NYPD to work for a nearby law enforcement agency for a higher pay. 

A spokesperson for the NYPD, Peter Donald, stated, "The department has not received the survey. When and if we receive it, we will review it." 

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[via Newsday] [Feature Image Courtesy Instagram]