Watch How This New Yorker Got Strangers on the NYC Subway to Hand Out Red Roses to Each Other

This video has given us all of the feels right about now. Just recently, the wonderfully talented Nick Smatt placed a dozen red roses on an empty New York City subway car with this note: 

It’s not who you love. It’s that you love. Give this rose to someone on this subway that doesn’t have one. Happy Valentine’s Day.

As creator Smatt stated, "Some want a Valentine, some need one and others don’t mind.

What’s universal, though, is the need to give and receive love, and I think that can be done even with a stranger on a subway. I hope this film makes people around the world smile and know that love can take many forms." 


Watch below what happens as New Yorkers are taken out of their element and into a world of unsuspecting love.

Check out 6 Struggles of Being Single on Valentine's Day in NYC

