In the words of the real Stephen Colbert, “Supercalifragilisticexpiali―SUCK IT, England!”

That’s right, Londoners. Have fun not living in the most expensive city for workers in the world! Let us know when we can come visit, please. 

New York City can check off another box from its list of world-championships to win, though it’s not really much of a win to be awarded the title of Most Expensive Working City.

Since the Brexit caused the pound to fall sharply, New York has become champion of metropolitan cost accommodation for employees.

Time Out regretted to inform New Yorkers that our grievances about subway fare hikes and affordable housing are now totally legit.

According to Savills, the real estate firm who dropped this heavy knowledge on our collective shoulders, London held onto the title for a modest two-and-a-half years.

A representative for the real estate firm noted that NYC prices are “well ahead of Hong Kong and London, and almost twice the price of nearest U.S. rival San Francisco.”

To which we respond by saying, “Ow.” We’ll grin and bear it, but commiserate with your non-New Yorker friends by seeing if their cities make the list, found below.


1. New York

2. Hong Kong


3. London


4. Tokyo


5. Paris

6. San Francisco

7. Singapore


8. Dubai


9. Sydney


10. Los Angeles


[via Time Out] [Feature Image Courtesy Instagram] 

