You know that old tongue-twister, “New York’s unique, unique New York, you know you need unique New York”?

Well, in case you didn’t, now you do. And we just found another example of how unique New York is.

Right outside of Manhattan, New Yorkers can visit a legit castle. Yep, you read that right.

Pollepel Island, right on the Hudson River, has had a storied past. But it’s also got a really cool castle.

Gothamist reported on the history of the island, including its five original owners, as well as a recent arrival, an art installation.

Melissa McGill’s project, entitled Constellation, aims to illuminate Native American ties to the island. 17 LED fixtures on metal poles flicker on as the sun sets down in the sky.

The subtlety of the project also illuminates that sweet castle we mentioned earlier.


The brainchild behind the castle was Francis Bannerman, a Scottish immigrant to New York who relocated his military surplus business to the island in the early 1900s. Because, fun fact: selling live ammunition out of a Manhattan storefront is kind of a risky business.

Oh, and speaking of risky business, apparently the island had some of that too. Way back in the days of trappers and smugglers and traders. New York State purchased the island in 1967, and a fire two years later did some serious damage that’s still being repaired.

You can get to the island for about 35 smackaroos, or dollars for those of you who prefer a more sensible and practical vocabulary.

We can’t promise you’ll be able to leap around and have super-awesome sword fights, but cheap jokes aside, it could be the perfect day trip for a date or out-of-town friends. 

[via Gothamist] [Feature Image Courtesy Instagram] 
