Olive Leaf Gourmet, a Bed-Stuy deli, is now serving the Trump sandwich.

The sandwich is filled with bologna, Russian dressing, and American cheese on white bread, served with a “small pickle” on the side.

According to a board advertising the sandwich outside the store, the meal is “served by a Mexican or a Muslim."

Employees said that the sandwich offer began as a joke between store owner Omar Mubarez and workers Bassam Mubarez and Alfonso Guerrero. The sandwich was inspired by a Trump sandwich sign the owner saw online, and he decided to tweak things a bit.


“Originally we also wanted to put it on a plate surrounded by Mexican tortillas,” the owner said of his creation.

The deli sells about 40 Trump sandwiches a day, at $6 a pop.

“It’s selling very good,” he said. “People really like it, everybody’s walking by taking pictures of the sign.” Also -- the bodega workers are not against creating sandwiches named after other presidential candidates.

The owner speaks out on Trump and says that “he’s a person that exposed the hatred in this country” and that he will most certainly not be voting for the Republican nominee. Surprise, surprise... 

[via DNAInfo] [Feature Image Courtesy Instagram] 
