Do you know that gut-wrenching fear when the clock strikes 12 and you're forced to run, regardless of what you're doing, to pay the empty parking meter before you're stuck with a ticket? 

It's almost like a perverted version of Cinderella, but instead of losing a shoe, you have the possibility of gaining a boot. 

Luckily for us, New Yorkers will soon be able to forgo the scrambling for loose change and pay the meter directly from an app on our phones. 

Mayor de Blasio announced that the new payment option will give motorists the ability to pay for a parking meter from a cell phone. 

The app will also somehow be able to reimburse motorists for any time left on the meter when they depart from the spot. 

That alone should sell New Yorkers on this new innovation, right? At least for motorists. 

Oh, well, the upgrade isn't just for motorists. 


This new technology will make it easier for Traffic Enforcement Agents to detect a car with an empty meter, using tablet devices that the NYPD is currently acquiring. 

The mayor's office made it clear that the new tablets were including in a previously announced tech upgrade, and that the mobile program that will be used is being developed through a no-cost innovation contract." 

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For people who aren't up to date on modern technology, muni-meters will still be available to pay for your spot the good old way. 

There is currently no set date for this new upgrade, but it seems clear that de Blasio is dead set on bringing NYC to the 21st century in a big way. 

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[via Gothamist] [Feature Image Courtesy Instagram] 
