WTF Bruh? NY Giant Victor Cruz Literally Pitched a Tent in the Middle of 6th Avenue for a Photo Shoot

So what's one surefire way to piss off a New Yorker

How about literally pitching a tent in the middle of a busy New York City street? Yep, that'll do it... and that's exactly what New York Giant Victor Cruz did this past Thursday. 

You remember him, right? 

The once-upon-a-time explosive Giant wide receiver-- who's pretty much on his way out of New York after not playing even a single game this past season and only 10 last season due to injuries-- set up a tent for a impromptu photo shoot with celebrity jeweler Mr. Flawless. 


(P.S., he's still due to make approximately $8 million next season... which is a really expensive price to pay for just an over-the-top salsa dance, but who are we to judge?) 

Now check out the video, captured by TMZ Sports, below. 

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