This is gonna leave you with a broken art.

When you live in this city, you're bound to see many places come and go. Your favorite little cafe can turn into your favorite little candy store practically overnight. It is the circle of business-life in this city and that is just the way it has and always will be.

Unfortunately, many times we lose a place that we can consider a second home, a place where everybody really does know your name. 

For artists of all kinds, there was only one store that had everything and more. But now, a legend is closing its doors forever.

New York Central Art Supply, a supply store that has been around since 1905, will be closing this summer.

The building it lives in has been sold, and much like any degenerate drinker lingering at a bar for what feels like 111 years, they don't have to go home, but they can't stay there.

Central Art Supply is now selling much of its merchandise at discounted prices. They'll also be "entertaining any offers to acquire our inventory and intellectual property."

The store, located at 62 Third Avenue, has been a staple for artists all of kind who want to make their mark on the art world and more importantly on NYC.


It seems that many iconic stores are disappearing from the city. D’Agostino, who calls themselves “New York’s original grocer," is selling it's nine remaining stores after 84 years of business.

Classic New York City spots in general are taking a massive hit, too. Many bodegas are now vanishing as well.


In a city that prides itself of tradition and art, it's tough to swallow that New York Central Arty Supply is closing. Although this is a natural part of the circle of business-life, some places truly deserve to last forever because they make New York City what it is.

Also, it's been here for over a century. How is that even possible in NYC? At any rate, New York Central Art Supply may be closing, but the art that it helped create will live on forever. Pour a tube of paint out for them.

Check out 15 Best Places in NYC for Street Art & Graffiti You Absolutely Gotta See This Summer.

[via New York Central Art Supply] [Feature Image Courtesy Instagram]