You Need to Make $158,000/Year to Live Comfortably in NYC | spoiled NYC

So, you want to live in New York City?

Easier said than done. Every time a new study is published about costs of living or rent in this city, there is a collective groan that can be heard. This latest one is no different-- and along with that groan comes boiling blood.

SmartAsset has a new study that reveals you need to make $158,000 a year in order to live comfortably in a two-bedroom apartment.

Yes. You read that right. 

$158,000 to live "comfortably." But, don't feel too bad New Yorkers. People in San Fran have to make $216,129 to live comfortably out there.

NYC also beats out 70% of the nation in costs of living. 

We recently broke this down and still can't get over how expensive everything is.

But, there is some good news to report. 

It now costs $3,692 a month to rent a two-bedroom apartment. That's a .01% drop from last year! Rejoice!


So, can we expect more of the same in the future? Or will it get worse? Hopefully better? 

Who knows? We can't predict the future, but who doesn't love to try, right?

In the meantime, because it's just. So. F*cking. Expensive. We've decided that we're going to always keep roommates as an option. It just makes sense. 

Of course, the ways we've gone about trying to find those roommates? Nope. That never makes sense. That's why you should check out Roomi

Roomi’s the free app that makes it safe and easy to find a roommate. 

New York City is wildly, unbelievably expensive. You’re going to need a roommate, and you’re going to need a safe way to find someone who’s not a shady individual. Check out Roomi right here and get started.

Check out How the Cost of Living in NYC Actually Breaks Down

[via SmartAsset] [Feature Image Courtesy Instagram]