Get Ready to Fall in Love with Midtown Manhattan All Over Again This Week at 'Midtown Love'

When was the last time your night out was spent in Midtown? Oh, wait, never? Really? 

Okay, so yeah, it's not exactly the hippest place to show your out-of-townies what a trendy New Yorker you've become. 

Here's the thing though: Midtown is more than just crowds, off-brand Elmos, and hawkers trying to bully you into comedy shows– we promise.

W New York has been working to change that conversation every month with their event series, Midtown Love by highlighting everything you miiight not remember about Midtown– the sophistication and richness of art and culture.

W New York has been working to change that conversation every month with their event series, Midtown Love by highlighting everything you miiight not remember about Midtown– the sophistication and richness of art and culture.

It's easy to write the neighborhood off as a thruway, not a destination; a place only passed through when the subway is shuttling you downtown or uptown. But, it's It starts with you, and us, and the artists, and the wild, weird entrepreneurial dreamers of fashion, photography, music, and art to change that.

W New York is bringing back everything we used to love about Midtown, by making you feel right at home in their swanky cocktail lounge, The Living Room

We know, we know, we can see you cringing away. You're so used to hating everything about Midtown that somewhere along the lines you forget what a good time in that ‘hood even looks like. Time to rediscover what that means every month.

With great drink specials you can chase down with an absolutely breathtaking view of Manhattan, The Living Room is one of Midtown’s understated happy hour spots.

Whether it's slick fashion takeovers, album release parties, happy hours or low key soirées celebrating the artist, the W New York's monthly Midtown Love series is bringing life back to what we might have just assumed was dead and gone.

On September 29th, join us to do just that– celebrate the dreams of some of NYC's top emerging fashion designers and innovators. This intimate gathering will include the designers themselves, a showcase of their work, friends of the brand, and local press.

There will also be a pop-up shop for some of the fashion you'll see at the showcase. The pop-up shop will be open September 29th until October 1st. 

Join usThere's finally a beautiful reason to Midtown.

Check out September 29th's Midtown Love at the W Hotel on Lexington Avenue.

[Feature Image Courtesy Instagram] 

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