Remember when that horrible announcement was made last year, the one that shook all of us to our core?

No, we're not talking about Donald Trump's entrance into the presidential race.

This is a far more grave concern. We're referring to our beloved Chipotle, and their recent E. coli outbreaks that had us questioning that extra guac for the first time in our lives. 

And now, thanks to this handy map, you can see exactly which locations New Yorkers reported caused them to fall ill.

A total of 54 complaints were filed by New Yorkers through the Department of Health & Mental Hygiene since May 2015 against 35 different Chipotle locations.

The most commonly reported symptoms were diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps and fever; less likely to be reported were symptoms such as nausea, headaches, shakiness, aches and blood in the stool. 

And despite the fact that the Centers for Disease Control announced the outbreak was eradicated this past February, customers continued to report their illnesses. 


See the map below for yourself, and maybe think twice before scarfing that burrito bowl at lunch. 

