Watch Multiple Bolts of Lighting Strike One World Trade Center During Last Week's Thunderstorm | spoiled NYC

ICYMI: Watch Multiple Bolts of Lightning Strike One World Trade Center During Last Week's Thunderstorm

No one quite has a love-hate relationship with the rain like New Yorkers do. 

And if there's one thing we love to do most, it's attempting to capture Mother Nature at its finest-- i.e., as lightning hits various skyscrapers across New York City, whether those buildings be rather infamous ones like the One World Trade Center or other less well-known skyscrapers

So during last week's early evening thunderstorm, YouTuber Ripcord 932 caught some incredible footage-- while atop the Empire State Building, nonetheless-- of lightning hitting 1 WTC. 


Take a look at the impressive video below. 

Check out This Crazy Natural Light Show That One World Trade Center Puts On

